Product Description

Amprobe invented wire tracer technology decades ago and continues to set the standard today. The most advanced of all wire tracers, the AT-4004 Advanced Wire Tracer combines the technology, features and functions to make sire tracing fast and precise.

  • Extremely easy to use
  • One universal transmitter- automatically switches to work with either energized or non-energized systems
  • Receiver not position sensitive- does not need to be rotated in order to provide accurate readings
  • Traces live wires buried or hidden behind walls
  • Traces energized and non-energized (open, broken) wires
  • Performs tests without having to interrupt power
  • Locates breakers, neutrals, and ground lines
  • Locates and traces wires in walls, floors, conduit, computer cables, etc.
  • Pinpoints shorts, ground faults and broken wires
  • Does not interfere with sensitive electronic equipment
  • Precise sensitivity adjustment
  • Battery booster strengthens signal for open tracing
  • Clamp-on attachment injects signal for non-contact operation