Product Description

The Fluke 1000FLT takes the trial and error out of fluorescent light testing.

The Fluke 1000FLT performs all five essential tests with one compact tool. If your job requires keeping large numbers of fluorescent lights shining, the Fluke 1000FLT is an indispensable tool that saves time and money.

As one of the most complete lamp testers on the market, the 1000FLT enables you to perform the five essential lighting tests:

  • Lamp test: Test bulb without removing from fixture
  • Ballast test: Easily determine if ballast is working
  • Non-contact voltage: Quickly check for voltage presence
  • Pin continuity test: Tests if filaments have continuity
  • Ballast-type test: Determine if ballast is electronic or magnetic without taking fixture apart–identify energy-wasting ballasts

Other useful capabilities:

  • Built to last, easy to maintain. Features a rugged, extendable all metal test rod that can be easily replaced should the need arise.